Từ điển Tiếng Anh học thuật IELTS ( Vietnamese – English ) – Từ điển tiếng anh học thuật IELTS tổng hợp ( Việt – Anh )
- yêu yếu : rather weak
- yếu xìu : morbid, unhealthy
- yểu tướng : to look sickly, show sign of a premature death
- yểu tử : to die young; early death
- yếu tố quan trọng : important factor, element
- yếu tố kinh tế : economic factor
- yếu tố chính trị : political factor
- yếu tố chính : primary factor
- yếu tố căn bản : basic element, factor
- yếu tố bất ngờ : element of surprise
- yếu tố : element, factor
- yêu tinh : demon, monster, ogre, goblin
- yêu thương nhau : to love each other, one another
- yêu thương : love and compassion; to love, cherish, be attached to
- yêu thuật : sorcery
- yêu thích : to love, be fond of, like, desire
- yếu thế : disadvantageous position
- yếu sút : to handicap
- yếu sức : weak
- yêu sách : to require
- yếu sách : to request, demand
- yêu quý : dear, beloved; to esteem, cherish, treasure
- yêu quí : precious, valuable
- yếu phạm : main culprit, ringleader
- yếu ớt : weak, feeble
- yêu nước : love of one’s country, patriotism; to love one’s country; patriotic
- yêu nhau : to love each other, be in love
- yếu nhân : very important person
- yếu mục : important article, important part
- yêu mến nhau : to love one another
- yêu mến : to love
- yếu mềm : tender, soft, weak, feeble; to feel fondness or affection for somebody
- yêu ma : ghost
- yếu lược : elementary
- yếu lĩnh : essentials, gist, basic, fundamental
- yêu kiều : charming, graceful
- yếu kém : weak; weakness and shortcoming
- yếu hèn : weak, feeble, cowardly, spineless, ineffective, incapable, weak-kneed, weak-willed
- yêu đương : love (between boys and girls)
- yếu đuối : weak, feeble; weakness
- yêu đời : to enjoy life
- yểu điệu : graceful
- yếu điểm : the essential point
- yếu địa : important point, strategic ground or position
- yêu đào : tender peach, beautiful girl
- yêu dấu : dear
- yếu dần : to gradually weaken
- yêu chuộng : to like, love, esteem
- yêu chiều : to love (and treat kindly)
- yêu cầu không tiết lộ tên : to request anonymity
- yêu cầu giải thích rõ : to demand a clear explanation
- yêu cầu : requirement; to ask, request, require
- yếu bóng vía : weak spirited
- yếu : weak, feeble
- yêu : to love, be in love with
- yểu : short life, premature
- yết thị : post, placard
- yết kiến : to visit
- yết hầu âm : pharyngeal
- yết hậu : type of satirical poem phrase or proverb
- yết hầu : pharynx
- yết giá : quotation
- yết bảng : to display notice or placard (giving names of successful candidates)
- yết : to post, placard
- Yêsu Kitô : Jesus Christ
- Yêsu : Jesus
- Yêrusalem : Jerusalem
- yểng quạ : dollarbird
- yêng hùng : swaggeringly heroic
- yểng : hill myna
- yên trí : convinced
- yẻn tĩnh : to be quiet
- yên tĩnh : quiet, calm, tranquil
- yến tiệc : banquet, feast
- yên tâm : comfortable, at ease
- yên ổn : peaceful, safe, quiet, calm
- yên nghỉ : to rest in peace
- yến mạch : oat
- yên lòng : be-assured, not to worry
- yên lặng : silent, quiet, calm
- yên giấc : to have an unbroken sleep
- yên cương : harness
- yến : banquet, dinner
- yên : (1) calm, peaceful, quiet, safe; (2) saddle, bicycle seat
- yểm trừ : to exorcize
- yểm trợ tài chánh : financial support
- yểm trợ : to cover, support; support
- yếm thế : (1) to die; (2) to distrust or hate people, mankind, humanity, be pessimistic
- yểm hộ : support
- yếm dãi : bib
- yêm bác : wide knowledge
- yểm : to hide, conceal
- yếm : brassiere
- y xá : dispensary, infirmary
- y vụ : technical bureau (in a hospital)
- y viện : hospital
- ý vị : savory, meaningful
- ý tưởng : thought, idea, concept
- ý tứ : considerate, thoughtful
- ý trung nhân : dream girl, dream boy
- Ý tôi muốn nói là : I want to say is, What I mean to say is
- y thường : clothes, clothing (of fairies)
- ý thức hệ : ideology, system of beliefs
- ý thức : consciousness, awareness, sense
- y thuật : art of healing, medicine
- ý thích : taste, liking
- ỷ thế : count on one’s power, one’s position, one’s influence
- y tế công cộng : public health
- y tế : health service, public health, medicine, sanitation
- y tá trưởng : charge nurse, head nurse
- y tá : nurse
- y sinh : biomedical
- y sĩ bệnh xá : clinical physician
- y sĩ : (medical) doctor, physician
- y phương : remedy (in a pharmacopoeia)
- y phục : clothes, garment
- ý niệm : concept, idea, notion
- y như vậy : just like that, just the same way
- y như : exactly like
- ý nhị : delicate, subtle, delicacy, nicety, sensitiveness, sensibility
- ý nguyện : prayer, wish, desire, aspiration
- y nguyên : intact, unchanged
- ý nghĩa lịch sử : historical significance
- ý nghĩa chính trị : political meaning, significance
- ý nghĩa : meaning, sense, significance; significant
- ý nghĩ : idea, thought
- ý muốn : will, desire, wish
- y lệnh : medical instruction
- ỷ lại : to depend, rely on others
- ý kiến thô thiển : humble opinion
- ý kiến nảy ra trong trí tôi : the idea flashed through my mind
- ý kiến khác nhau : different opinions, differing opinions
- ý kiến hay : a good idea
- ý kiến bất nhất : inconsistent ideas
- ý kiến ấy quả là một cao kiến : that is really an excellent idea
- ý kiến : view, opinion
- y khoa tân tiến : modern medicine
- y khoa bác sĩ : medical doctor
- y khoa : medicine
- ý hướng : tendency, inclination
- ý hội : understand, conceive, realize
- y học : medicine (as a field of study)
- y hệt như : the same as
- y hệt : identical, the same as, just like
- y giới : medical world
- ỷ eo : reproach someone with something
- y đức : medical etiquette, medical ethics
- ý đồ : intention, design
- ý định bành trướng : expansionist intention
- ý định : intention, will, thought, idea, plan
- y dược : medicine and pharmacy
- y cụ : medical equipment
- ý chí mạnh mẽ : strong will
- ý chí luận : voluntarism
- ý chí : will, intention
- y chang : exactly the same
- y bác sĩ : medical doctor
- y bạ : medical report book
- y án : to retain a verdict
- ỳ ạch : to toil, labor with difficulty
- ỳ : inertia, state of inactivity, stay out, inert, sluggish
- ỷ : (1) to be fat (said of a pig); (2) to depend on
- ý : (1) opinion, mind, position, thought, idea; (2) Italy
- y : (1) beautiful, precious; (2) he, him; (3) medicine, medical doctor; (4) identical, same
- xuýt xoát : nearly, about
- xuýt xoa : to make a hissing sound, utter a cry of pain
- xuỵt : to hiss, boo
- xuýt : all but, almost, nearly
- xuyên thẳng : straight through
- xuyên tâm : diametrical, radial, central
- xuyên tạc : to make up, distort
- xuyên suốt : to complete penetration
- xuyên sơn : to go through a mountain
- xuyên qua : to pierce, cross
- xuyên bang : interstate
- xuyên : to pierce, cross, go through; through, across
- xuyến : bracelet
- xuya rơ tê : security forces, police
- xuya : sure, reliable
- xúy xóa : to forgive, pardon
- xùy : to stump up, shell out, fork out, cough up
- xụt xùi : whimper
- xút : soda
- xúp : soup
- xuốt ra : to put out, forth
- xương xương : bony
- xuống xe : to get out of a vehicle
- xương xảu : bony, gnarly, angular
- xương xẩu : bony
- xuồng vải : kayak
- xương và máu : bones and flesh, (fig.) sacrifice
- xương ức : breastbone
- xướng tùy : subjection, servitude, a wife’s duty (under feudal regime)
- xương tủy : marrow and bone
- xương trụ : ulna
- xuống tóc : (Buddhism) to shave one’s head
- xuống tinh thần : to feel down, feel depressed
- xương thịt : corpse, dead body; flesh and bones
- xương thịnh : prosperous, thriving, flourishing
- xuống thấp : to go down, decline
- xương sườn cụt : spare rib
- xương sườn : rib (bone)
- xương sống : spine, backbone
- xương sên : anklebone, astragalus, talus
- xương sàng : ethmoid
- xưởng sản xuất : factory, plant
- xương rồng : cactus
- xưởng ráp : assembly plant
- xương quai xanh : clavicle, collar-bone
- xuống nhà : downstairs; to go downstairs
- xướng ngôn viên : radio or television announcer, newsreader
- xương mông : sacrum
- xương mỏ ác : sternum
- xuồng máy : motorboat
- xương máu : bone and blood, effort
- xương lưỡi hái : carinae
- xuống lỗ : to go down into a hole
- xướng kỹ : (female) singer
- xương hông : hip bone
- xương hom : small fish-bone
- xuống hạng : to downgrade, reduce the category of
- xương gót : heel bone, calcaneum
- xuống giọng : to lower one’s voice
- xương giăm : small fish-bone
- xuống giá : to lower prices
- xuống đường : to march, take to the streets
- xương đùi : femur, thigh bone
- xưởng đóng tàu : shipyard
- xương đồng da sắt : a man of steel, very strong
- xương đòn gánh : clavicle, collar-bone
- xưởng điện tử : electronics factory, plant
- xương đe : anvil-bone, sigma
- xuống đây : to come down here
- xuống đất : (down) to the ground
- xuống dưới : to go down, descend
- xướng danh : to call names
- xương cụt : sacrum, coccyx
- xương cùng : sacrum
- xương cốt : bone(s), skeleton
- xưởng chế tạo xe hơi : automobile factory
- xưởng chế tạo vũ khí : weapons (manufacturing) plant
- xưởng chế tạo : factory, manufacturing plant
- xương chày : shinbone, tibia
- xương chậu : innominate-bone, ilium, pelvis
- xương chẩm : occipital bone
- xuống cầu thang : to go down stairs
- xuống cấp : to be downgraded
- xuống cân : to lose weight
- xương cá : fishbone
- xương búa : malleus
- xương bồ : sweet rush
- xương bánh chè : patella, kneecap, knee-pan
- xương bả vai : scapula, shoulder-blade
- xuống : to go down, come down, get out (of a car, vehicle)
- xuồng : motorboat, speedboat
- xưởng : factory, mill, workshop, plant
- xương : bone
- xuổng : (1) spade; (2) see thuổng
- xướng : (1) singer; (2) to take the initiative, make the first move, originate
- xuôi xả : to go on swimmingly
- xuôi vần : rhymed
- xuôi tai : be pleasant to the ear
- xuôi chiều : agreeable
- xười : negligent, neglectful, remiss, careless
- xuôi : (1) down, downstream; (2) favorable, easy
- xước măng rô : agnail (sore finger)
- xước : to scratch
- xược : impertinent, insolent, pert
- xung yếu : important
- xứng ý : be satisfied, desired, long wished for
- xủng xoảng : tinkling
- xùng xình : unkempt, sloppy (clothes)
- xúng xính : (of clothes) ample, large, spacious, ostentatious, pompous
- xưng vương : to proclaim oneself emperor
- xứng vai : equal (to)
- xưng tụng : to praise, commend, extol, eulogize
- xưng tội : confess one’s sin
- xung thiên : to go up in the sky
- xưng thần : to declare oneself vassal
- xung quanh : around, about, surrounding
- xung phong : vanguard, assault; volunteer (solider)
- xung lực : force, impulse, striking power
- xung khắc : be incompatible
- xưng hùng : to proclaim oneself a suzerain
- xứng hợp : appropriate, suitable, fitting
- xưng hô : to address (a person), call
- xưng hiệu : to introduce oneself
- xung đột nội tâm : internal (emotional, psychological) conflict
- xung đột gia đình : domestic conflict, domestic argument
- xung đột : conflict
- xung động : impulse
- xứng đôi vừa lứa : well-matched
- xung điện áp : peak voltage
- xưng đế : to proclaim oneself emperor
- xứng đáng : suitable, worthy, deserving
- xưng danh : say one’s name, introduce oneself
- xung công : to confiscate
- xưng bá : to proclaim oneself king
- xưng : to call, name
- xứng : correspondent, consummate, fitting; to match
- xửng : (1) very light; (2) food steamer
- xung : (1) to rush, dash; angry, furious, aggressive, impulsive; (2) to rise
- xun xoe : flattering, smarmy
- xun phát : sulphate, sulfate
- xun pha mít : sulphonamide, sulfonamide, sulfa drug
- xùm xụp : sink, go deep or far down (of hat, turban)
- xum xoe : flattering, smarmy
- xúm xít : to bustle or fuss or crowd or flock round somebody, surround
- xúm quanh : to gather around
- xum họp : gather
- xúm đông : to form a crowd
- xúm : to gather (around), crowd together, cluster
- xui xẻo : unlucky, unfortunate
- xúi quẩy : unlucky
- xui nguyên giục bị : to be a stirrer
- xui nên : cause, be the cause of, occasion give rise to
- xui khiến : to induce
- xúi giục : to incite, instigate, abet
- xúi dục : to urge, coax, persuade
- xui cho : unluckily for
- xủi bọt : foam
- xui bẩy : to induce, urge
- xui bảo : to prompt, advise
- xúi : to persuade, encourage, tempt
- xui : (1) misfortunate, unlucky, unfortunate; (2) to excite, urge
- xuềnh xoàng : simply, without ceremony, dressed in clothes used in the house
- xuề xòa : simple, easy-going
- xuể : to be capable of doing sth
- xúc xiểm : instigate
- xúc xích : sausage; chain
- xúc tiến chương trình : to promote a program, plan
- xúc tiến : to encourage, promote, push forward, onwards
- xúc tác : catalysis
- xúc rác : to scoop up the garbage
- xúc phạm : to offend, violate, hurt
- xúc giác : touch
- xúc động ái ân : feelings of love
- xúc động : emotion, feeling; to be moved, touched (emotionally)
- xúc đất : to shovel dirt, move dirt, earth
- xức dầu : to oil
- xúc cảnh : to be moved by a spectacle
- xúc cảm : emotion; to move, touch
- xúc cá : to catch fish (by scooping them up)
- xúc : to shovel, scoop
- xức : to moisturize, rub, apply
- xuất xứ từ Vietnamese : of Vietnamese origin
- xuất xứ : origin, source
- xuất vốn : to invest (in something), provide funds
- xuất viện : to be discharged from hospital
- xuất trình tài liệu : to produce, furnish documents
- xuất trình : to produce, show
- xuất trận : to go to war
- xuất tinh sớm : premature ejaculation
- xuất tinh : to ejaculate
- xuất thân từ nhiều quốc gia : to come from many countries
- xuất thân từ : to come from
- xuất thân : to come from
- xuất thần : entrancement
- xuất siêu : excess of imports over exports, trade surplus
- xuất sắc : excellent, outstanding, remarkable, notable
- xuất quỹ : to pay out
- xuất quân : to go into battle, dispatch troops
- xuất phát điểm : point of departure, starting point
- xuất phát : to send forth, start, emit
- xuất nhập khẩu : import and export
- xuất nhập cảnh : exit and entry, immigration
- xuất nhập : expenditures and receipts
- xuất ngoại : to go abroad
- xuất kỳ bất ý : to launch a surprise attack, sneak attack
- xuất kích : to go on a sortie, sortie
- xuất khẩu : to export
- xuất huyết : hemorrhage
- xuất hiện trên báo : to appear in a newspaper
- xuất hiện bất ngờ : to appear unexpectedly
- xuất hiện : to appear, become visible; appearance
- xuất hành : to go out
- xuất gia : to leave one’s home (to become a Buddhist monk or nun)
- xuất giá : get married
- xuất đầu lộ diện : to appear, make an appearance, show up
- xuất dương : to go abroad
- xuất chúng : outstanding
- xuất chính : to enter politics, begin public career
- xuất chinh : go to war
- xuất cao : efficiency, performance
- xuất cảnh : to exit or leave a country
- xuất cảng sang châu Âu : to export to Europe
- xuất cảng : to export
- xuất biên : to leave a country
- xuất bản toàn bộ tác phẩm của văn hào : to publish the collected works of an author
- xuất bản : to publish
- xuất : to produce
- xuân xanh : flower of youth, prime of life, springtime of one’s
- xuân tình : deep or strong emotion, passion, love, sensuality
- xuân tiêu : spring night
- xuân tiết : spring, spring-time
- xuân thu : spring and autumn
- xuân thiên : spring weather, spring day
- xuân sắc : spring scenery
- xuân quang : spring scenery, happy look
- xuân phương : spring fragrance
- xuân phân : spring equinox
- xuân nữ : young girl
- xuân nhật : spring days
- xuẩn ngốc : foolish and stupid
- xuân liên : parallel scrolls displayed around Tet time
- xuân huyên : (in literature) father and mother
- xuân đường : (in literature) father
- xuẩn động : inconsiderate, thoughtless, done thoughtlessly
- xuân đài : scenery of peace and prosperity
- xuân cảnh : spring scenery
- xuân : spring (season)
- xuẩn : dull-witted, stupid
- xua tay : to wave off, dismiss with a wave of the hand
- xua tan : to dispel
- xưa rồi : out of date, old-fashioned
- xưa nay là vậy : it’s always been like that
- xưa nay : always, up to now, until now, long since, for a long time
- xưa kia : formerly
- xua đuổi những bất hạnh : to chase, drive away misfortunes
- xua đuổi : to drive away, chase away
- xua : to drive away, drive out
- xưa : ancient, old
- xụ xuống : to drop down
- xù xì : rough, coarse (surfaced)
- xu xê : a kind of rice cake
- xú vơ nia : souvenir
- xử vắng mặt : to try in absentia, sentence or condemn by default
- xứ ủy : regional party committee
- xú uế : fetid
- xử tử : to sentence to death, execute, put to death
- xử trí : to act, discipline
- xử trắng án : to acquit someone (of a crime)
- xử trảm : to behead
- xử tội : to convict, sentence
- xu thời : opportunism
- xu thế : general trend, tendency
- xử thế : behave
- xử sự : behave
- xứ sở : native country, homeland
- xu phụng : serve with servility
- xu phụ : flatter
- xú páp : valve
- xu nịnh : flatter
- xu mị : flatter servilely, toady
- xụ mặt xuống : to drop one’s face in disappointment
- xử lý : to dispose, treat, settle; to charge (with a crime)
- xù lông : to raise, ruffle feathers
- xử lí vec tơ : vector processing
- xử lí văn bản : text processing
- xử lí tuần tự : sequential processing
- xử lí thông tin : data processing
- xử lí song song : parallel processing
- xử lí ảnh : picture processing, image processing
- xử lí : processing
- xứ lạ : strange place, foreign place
- xử kín : to try or hear in camera or private, try or hear behind closed doors
- xử khiếm diện : to be sentenced in absentia
- xú khí : stench, stink, offensive smell, strong odor
- xu hướng : tendency, inclination
- xử hòa : to reconcile
- xử giảo : to garrote
- xử dụng sức mạnh quân đội : to resort to, use military force
- xử dụng : to use
- xú danh : bad reputation
- xử công khai : to try in open court
- xú chiêng : bra, brassiere
- xử bắn : to execute by firing squad
- xử án : to hear or try a case, judge, sentence
- xụ : to drop
- xử : to decide, regulate, judge; to treat; trial
- xú : foul, bad-smelling, stinking, ugly
- xù : fluff out
- xu : cent, coin
- xứ : area, region, country, climate; era, reign, government, administration, district
- xtrích nin : strychnine
- xtrép tô mi xin : streptomycin
- xtốp : stop
- xtê rê ô : stereo
- xta to : stator
- xót ruột : to suffer (because of loss, waste)
- xót dạ : to suffer
- xót : to itch; to pity
- xớp : to rough, rugged, uneven
- xốp : spongy, soft
- xợp : ruffled, disheveled
- xoong chảo : pots and pans
- xoong : saucepan
- xong xuôi : finished, over, completed
- xổng xểnh : negligent, careless
- xông vào : to rush into
- xông tới tấn công : to rush forward to attack
- xông tới : to rush towards, rush forward
- xong rồi : afterwards, then; over, finished
- xông ra : to jump out, rush out
- xõng lưng : idle, unoccupied
- xông lên mũi : to rise up into one’s nose, reach one’s nose
- xông lên : to rise up (smell)
- xong đời : it’s the end of, that’s the finish of
- xong chuyện : to be all over, come to an end
- xông bừa ra : to rush out
- xông : to rush; to waft, move past (of a smell), emit, give off a smell
- xong : to finish, end, be complete; then, after ~ ing
- xống : old clothes, togs duds
- xôn xao : lively, uproarious, in an uproar; tumult
- xốn xang : agitate, trouble
- xớn : wandering, loitering, cut
- xởn : to clip, prune, lop, cut short
- xộn : big, large, bulky
- xôm xốp : rather spongy
- xóm làng : villages and hamlets
- xóm giềng : neighborhood
- xổm : squat down upon the hams or heels, squat, crouch
- xôm : nice and neat, elegant, spectacular
- xóm : hamlet, village, town
- xom : fishing fork, fishing gear; to fish with a three-pronged spear
- xòi xọp : sickly
- xoi xói : to jerky movement
- xôi xéo : steamed glutinous rice
- xối xả : fast and thick
- xôi vò : glutinous rice cooked with split peas
- xôi mụi : left over sticky rice
- xói mòn : to erode
- xoi mói : perforate, be captious
- xoi móc : to find fault
- xôi hoa cau : steamed glutinous rice mixed with French beans
- xôi gấc : steamed glutinous rice
- xơi cơm : to have dinner
- xói : to wash, erode, flow against
- xới : to turn up
- xối : to pour down
- xơi : to eat (polite verb used of other people); long time; to dig
- xôi : sticky, rice
- xoi : dig
- xoét : signify one assent by winking
- xoẹt : (of knife, clap of thunder) cut fast, fast
- xoèn xoẹt : onomatopoeia for sound of the saw
- xoen xoét : babble, prattle, chat, chatter
- xòe ra : to spread out
- xòe : to spread, stretch; open, spread
- xốc xếch : slovenly, untidy
- xộc xệch : slipshod, untidy, slovenly, sleazy
- xốc vác : to work hard
- xốc tới : dart, pounce (upon), assault, assail, attack suddenly
- xóc thẻ : to shake divinatory wands
- xóc đĩa : game in which coins are shaken in a bowl
- xóc cái : dealer, bank (in gambling), be the banker (in game)
- xóc : to shake
- xốc : to lift up
- xộc : dash, rush
- xoay xỏa : to manage, regulate
- xoay xở : contrive
- xoay vần : to perform evolutions, evolve, circumvolution
- xoáy trôn ốc : spiral
- xoay trần : to be stripped to the waist
- xoay tít : to spin rapidly, turn rapidly
- xoay sở : to manage, be resourceful
- xoay quanh : to turn around; around, surrounding
- xoay người ra sau : to turn (oneself) around backwards, turn (oneself) facing backwards
- xoay người lại : to turn (one’s body) around
- xoay người : to turn oneself around
- xoáy nghịch : anticyclone
- xoáy lộn : eddy
- xoay chuyển : to revolve, rotate, turn, reverse
- xoay chiều : to change direction, alternate
- xoay : to turn, revolve
- xoáy : (1) to turn around, whirl around, change direction, be resourceful, manage to get; (2) to swipe
- xoành xoạch : all the time
- xoang xoảng : sound of cymbals, metallic sound percussion
- xoàng xĩnh : mediocre, frugal, shabby, humble
- xoang điệu : a tune, a song
- xoảng : onomatopoeia of metallic sound
- xoàng : indifferent, mediocre, simple, rough and ready, so-so
- xoang : cavity
- xoắn xuýt : to be attached to somebody, have a strong attachment
- xoàn xoạt : sound of paper or cloth torn ripping sound
- xoắn xít : to grab, clutch, hold, cling to, stick to
- xoắn ốc : spiral
- xoắn : to twist, turn; to hold, hang onto
- xoàn : diamond
- xoăn : curly, wavy
- xoài xiêm : small and perfumed mango
- xoài voi : giant mango
- xoài quéo : kind of mango
- xoài cát : sweet mango
- xoài : mango; at full length
- xoạc : to spread wide apart
- xoác : (with) one’s arm round somebody’s waist
- xoa xoa : rub oneself gently
- xóa tên : to erase a name
- xóa sổ : to eliminate
- xóa sạch : to wipe out, erase
- xóa nợ : to erase a debt, forgive a debt
- xóa nhòa : to efface, obliterate, fade away, wear away, eradicate, wipe out
- xóa đói giảm nghèo : to eliminate hunger and reduce
- xóa đi : to erase
- xoa dịu : to appease, mollify, alleviate, calm, relieve, heal
- xoa bóp : to (give a) massage
- xóa bỏ thỏa ước : to annul an agreement
- xóa bỏ : to cross out, erase, annul, delete, rub out, suppress, abolish, eliminate
- xòa : to spread out
- xoa : to rub
- xóa : to erase, cross out, obliterate, wipe out, rub out
- xõa : hang
- xó xỉnh : corner, nook
- xô xát : fight (with)
- xờ xạc : fatigued, jaded, tired, run down, disordered, ruffled, in
- xơ xác : denuded, bare, rugged, poor
- Xô Viết : Soviet
- xo vai : shrug one’s shoulders
- xỏ tai : pierce the ears (for earrings)
- xổ số : lottery
- xo ro : to hunch over
- xớ rớ : idling, star-gazing, aimlessly, foolishly
- xô phóng : launch
- xó nhà : corner of a house
- xô nát : sonata
- xơ mướp : loofah, a vegetable sponge
- xỏ mũi : to lead somebody by the nose, have somebody in one’s
- xơ múi : profit, gain
- xơ mít : edible fiber of breadfruit
- xô lít : strong, solid
- xô lê nô ít : solenoid
- xỏ lá : knavish, roguish
- xỏ kim : to thread a needle
- xộ khám : to be in jail (slang)
- xố hữu : old friend
- xơ hóa tủy xương : myelofibrosis
- xo hoa : extravagant
- xô đuổi : to push out, force out
- xô đẩy : to push, bump, jostle, shove
- xô đa : soda
- xơ cứng : sclerosis
- xô bồ : gross
- xờ : touch
- xỏ : to thread (a needle); to slip
- xo : to shrug; very sad
- xô : to rush, pour out (people), push, jostle, dash
- xổ : to rush into
- xồ : to rush (to)
- xơ : thread, fiber
- xó : corner, nook
- xịu : to look sullen
- xỉu : to faint, pass out, swoon
- xíu : tiny
- xìu : fall, be flat
- xịt ra : to spray out
- xịt : spray; to spray
- xinh xắn : lovely, cute
- xinh tươi : pretty, charming, delightful, pleasing, attractive
- xinh trai : handsome lad
- xinh đẹp : beautiful, pretty, handsome
- xinh : pretty, nice
- xinê : cinema
- xin ý kiến : to ask for sb’s opinion
- xin xỏ : to beg, solicit, panhandle
- xin xăm : to resort to sortilege
- xin vui lòng : please (on signs, e.g.)
- xin viện trợ : to ask for aide, assistance
- xin việc làm : job application
- xin việc : to apply for a job
- xin trời đất tha thứ cho tôi : as God is my witness, honest to God
- xin trân trọng báo cáo : I have the honor to report
- xin tiền : to ask for money, beg
- xin tị nạn chính trị : to request political asylum
- xin tị nạn : to request asylum, refuge
- xin phép được : may I have permission to
- xin phép : to ask permission
- Xin ông cứ coi : Please take a look
- Xin ông cho biết ý kiến : Please give (us) your opinion
- xin nhập học : to ask, apply for admission (to a school)
- xin nhắc : please note, please recall
- xin mời : please
- xin mạn phép : to ask for permission
- xin lưu ý một điều : please note (one thing)
- xin lửa : to ask for a light
- xin lỗi ông : excuse me, I’m sorry, forgive me, I beg your pardon
- xin lỗi không thôi : to apologize non-stop
- xin lỗi : to apologize, beg forgiveness, ask for pardon; excuse me
- xin hãy : please (do something)
- xin gửi anh một chút quà mọn : I am sending you a very small present
- xin giới thiệu : please introduce oneself
- xin được phép : to ask permission, leave (to do something)
- xin đừng : please don’t
- xin đểu : to demand money with menaces
- xin đề : to inscribe, write, make out to (check)
- xin dấu tên : to request anonymity, that one’s name not be used
- xin chúc mừng ông : congratulations
- xin cho tôi biết ý kiến : please give me your opinion
- xin cầu : to ask, request
- xin bảo hộ : to act for protection
- xin bấm chuông : please ring (the bell or buzzer)
- xin ăn : to ask, beg for food
- xin : to ask for, request, beg; please
- xiêu vẹo : tottering, inclined, tilted, not straight
- xiêu tán : to be dispersed or scattered
- xiêu lòng : to yield, give in
- xiêu : slope, slant
- xiết chặt : to grab, draw tight, close (ranks)
- xiết : to seize, grab, tighten
- xiềng xích : chains, bonds, fetters
- xiểng liểng : badly defeated, beaten hollow
- xiên : slanting, oblique
- xiêm y : dress
- xiểm nịnh : flatter servilely, toady
- xiêm : skirt
- Xiêm : Siam, Thailand
- xiếc : circus
- xích vào : to chain to
- xích tử : newly born, infant, the people
- xích thố : red-haired horse
- xích thằng : red thread, the bond of marriage
- xích tay : to handcuff, manacle
- xích tâm : loyalty, faithfulness
- xích sắt : iron chain
- xích mích : to be in disagreement
- xích đu : swing, rocking chair
- xích đế : fire god
- xích đạo : equator
- xịch : onomatopoeia of the sound of machines
- xích : (1) chain; (2) to approach, move nearer
- xỉa xói : to poke or stick or shove one’s finger into somebody’s face
- xía vào : to meddle in
- xỉa : to pick
- xía : to interfere, meddle in
- xì xụt : to whimper, whine, snivel, sniffle, snuffle
- xí xóa : to forget about debts
- xí xố loạn lên : to talk in a fast but incomprehensible way
- xì xào : to whisper, buzz
- xỉ vả : insult affront, revile
- xỉ than : coal residues, clinker
- xi tẹc : tank, cistern
- xi rô : syrup
- xi ren : foghorn, hooter, siren
- xi phông : siphon
- xí nghiệp quốc doanh : nationalized business
- xí nghiệp nhà nước : government owned business, government-run business
- xí nghiệp hàng hải : shipyard
- xí nghiệp : business, enterprise
- xi nê : cinema
- xi măng : cement, concrete
- xi lô : silo
- xi líp : panties
- xì líp : briefs, underwear, panties
- xi lanh : cylinder
- xì ke : heroin
- xì hơi : to go down, go flat, deflate
- xí gạt : to trick, deceive
- xì gà : cigar
- xì đồng : wind-shooting tube, blow-pipe
- xì dầu : soya-sauce
- xì căng đan : scandal
- xì : to escape, leak out
- xỉ : slag, cinder
- xi : sealing wax polish
- xị : (of face) swollen
- xệu xạo : mumble (of toothless old man)
- xét xử : to judge, try (in court)
- xét tội : to judge (guilt or innocence)
- xét soi : to sift thoroughly
- xét phạm tội gián điệp : to be found guilty of spying
- xét phạm tội : to be found, judged guilty of
- xét nghiệm dương tính : to test positive
- xét nghiệm : to examine; experiment
- xét nét : punctilious, hypercritical, faultfinding
- xét lại : to reexamine, reevaluate
- xét hỏi : interrogate, question
- xét hồ : to examine a file
- xét đơn : to consider an application
- xét đoán : judge
- xét duyệt : to check, approve, confirm, verify
- xét : to examine, judge, pass judgment, consider
- xẹt : (1) to become flat, be flattened; (2) to whiz past
- xẹp xuống : to go down, subside (swelling, etc.)
- xép xẹp : very flat, very empty
- xẹp vỏ : flat tire
- xếp vào loại : to put into a category, categorize
- xếp vào hàng thứ ba : to be in third place
- xếp thứ tự : to put in order
- xếp theo bộ : to arrange by radical or number of strokes (Chinese characters)
- xếp lớn : the big boss
- xếp loại : to rank, rate, grade
- xẹp lép : completely flat, deflated, very flat, empty
- xếp hạng cùng với : to place in a category with
- xếp hàng : to line
- xếp hạng : to categorize, classify, place into a category, group together, rank
- xếp đặt : arrange
- xếp dọn : to arrange, put in order
- xếp chữ : to typeset; typesetting
- xếp bằng tròn : to sit cross-legged
- xép : secondary, small, supplementary, extra
- xẹp : flat, flattened, deflated
- xếp : (1) to order, arrange, put in order, pile, fold; (2) master, boss
- xeo nạy : pry up, provoke
- xéo : treat on, trample on
- xeo : to lift up with a crowbar, lever something up
- xẻo : to cut off, cut up, cut out
- xẹo : slanting
- xẽo : brook, rivulet
- xẻng : shovel; to shovel
- xèng : onomatopoeia of metallic sound
- xen vào : to interfere with, meddle with, intervene in
- xén tóc : capricornbeetle
- xen lu lô : cellulose
- xen lẫn : to intermingle, intermix; mixed, intermingled
- xén cây : to prune, trim a tree
- xen : to interpolate, insert, interfere
- xén : to cut, trim
- xên : refine
- xem xét lại : to reconsider
- xem xét : to examine, consider, inspect
- xem tướng : to judge somebody’s character from his facial features
- xem tuổi : to study the horoscope of a boy and girl
- xem trọng : to pay attention to, attach importance to
- xem tờ báo : to read the newspaper
- xem tivi : to watch television, TV
- xem tiếp trang 8 : continued on, see page 8
- xem tiếp : continued on, see
- xem ti vi : to watch TV
- xem ra : to appear, look like
- xem nào : let me see, let’s see
- xem mặt : to see a prospective bride (or a prospective groom) before
- xem mạch : to feel the pulse (of a patient)
- xem kết quả : to look at the results
- xem hát : to go to the theatre
- xém chút nữa : to barely avoid (sth)
- xem chiếu bóng : to watch a movie
- xem bói : to have one’s fortune told, consult a fortune-teller
- xem bệnh : medical examination
- xem : to see, watch, look
- xém : almost
- xệch xạc : to become deformed, change in form or shape
- xếch : slanting
- xệch : loose, slack, aslant, awry
- xe xích lô : pedicab
- xê xích : to move, shift back and forth; more or less
- xề xề : to approach, come near
- xề xệ : a little drooping, flowing, baggy, flabby
- xê xế : (of sun, moon) be sinking, waning, on the wane
- xé xác : to tear somebody to pieces, tear somebody limb from limb
- xe vòi tồng : fire truck
- xe vận tải : truck
- xe ủi đất : bulldozer
- xe tưới đường : watering-cart, street washer
- xế tuổi : advanced in years, elderly
- xe tứ mã : carriage and four horses
- xe trượt tuyết : sled, sleigh
- xé toạc : to tear, rend
- xe thư : post, mail coach
- xe thô mộ : horse-drawn wagon
- xe thiết giáp : armored vehicle
- xe tăng : tank, armored vehicle
- xe tang : hearse
- xé tan nát : to tear into pieces
- xé tan : to tear to pieces
- xe tải : truck, van, lorry
- xe tắc xi : taxi
- xe song mã : two horsed carriage
- xe sập mui : convertible car
- xê ri : series; cerium
- xê rê nát : serenade
- xe rác : garbage truck
- xê ra : to move over
- xe pháo : motorbikes, cars, lorries, means of conveyance
- xe ôm : motorbike taxi
- xe ô tô : car, motor car, auto, automobile
- xẻ núi : clearing paths though mountains
- xe nôi : baby carriage, baby buggy, pram, push-chair, stroller
- xe ngựa : carriage, cart, coach, horse-drawn carriage
- xe này bốc lắm : this car has a lot of pickup
- xe nầy : this kind of vehicle
- xé nát trái tim : to break sb’s heart
- xé nát : to tear, rip apart
- xe mô tô : motorbike, motorcycle
- xê mi na : symposium, seminar
- xe máy : bicycle, motorcycle
- xê ma pho : semaphore
- xe lửa : train
- xe lội nước : amphibious vehicle, duck
- xe lôi : pedicab
- xé lẻ : divide into fractions
- xe lăn đường : road-roller, steam-roller
- xe lăn : wheelchair
- xe lam : motorized mini-bus, three-wheeled taxi
- xe khách : interprovincial bus, passenger car
- xe kéo : rickshaw
- xe hơi mơ ước : the car of one’s dreams
- xe hơi : automobile, car
- xe hỏa : train
- xe goòng : freight car, wagon, truck, trolley
- xe gíp : jeep
- xe gắn máy : motorbike, motorcycle
- xe độc mã : one-horse cart, a horse and cart, buggy, gig
- xe đò : bus, coach
- xe điện ngầm : tube, underground, subway, metro
- xe điện : tram
- xe điận : streetcar
- xe đẩy hàng : trolley
- xe đạp đua : racing (bi)cycle
- xe đạp : bicycle
- xe duyên : to wed, marry, contract marriage with somebody, to
- xe du lịch : car, automobile
- xê dịch : to displace, move, change place
- xe cứu thương : ambulance (vehicle)
- xe cút kít : wheelbarrow
- xe cộ : vehicle
- xe chữa lửa : fire engine, fire truck
- xe chữa cháy : appliance, fire-engine, fire truck
- xế chiều : decline of day
- xe chạy nhanh : fast car
- xe cao su : rickshaw
- xe cảnh sát : police car
- xe cam nhông : truck
- xe cải tiến : improved cart
- xe ca : long-distance bus, coach
- xe buýt điện : electric bus, streetcar
- xe buýt : bus
- xe bọc thép : armored vehicle or car
- xe bò : oxcart
- xe ba gác : delivery tricycle
- xể : to torn, rent
- xẻ : to saw, split (up), cut
- xê : to move
- xé : to divide, rip, tear
- xề : to approach, come near
- xế : slant, decline
- xệ : droopy, flabby, baggy
- xe : automobile, vehicle; to transport, take
- xây xát : chafe
- xây xẩm : giddy, dizzy
- xảy ra rất thường : to happen a lot, take place often
- xảy ra bất ngờ : to appear unexpectedly
- xẩy ra : to happen, occur, arise
- xảy ra : to happen, occur
- xây nhà : to build houses
- xây mặt : to turn away
- xây lắp : to build and put together
- xây lại : to rebuild
- xây đắp : to build (up)
- xây dựng hạ tầng cơ sở : to build a foundation
- xây dựng đặt : to build, construct
- xây dựng cơ bản : capital construction
- xây dựng : to build (up), construct; constructive
- xây cất nhà cửa : to build a house
- xây cất : to build, construct
- xây cản trở giao thông : to set up a roadblock
- xây bàn : table tipping (Cao Dai)
- xẩy : to happen, occur, arise
- xảy : to happen
- xay : to grind, husk
- xây : to build, construct
- xấu xí : ugly
- xâu xé : to torment, tear
- xấu xa : bad, wicked, evil
- xấu vía : bad luck
- xấu tính : evil (minded)
- xấu tay : unlucky, ill-fated
- xâu tai : pierce the ears (for wearing earrings)
- xấu số : unlucky
- xấu như ma : frightfully ugly, as ugly as sin, as ugly as a
- xấu nết : perverse
- xấu máu : bad blood, be in bad health, be ailing, sickly
- xấu mặt : to lose face, be ashamed of somebody or something
- xấu hổ : embarrassed, ashamed
- xấu đi : to become bad, ugly
- xâu chuỗi : to get in touch (with, poor peasants in agrarian reform)
- xấu bụng : ill hearted, mean
- xâu bia : six pack of beer
- xâu : to thread, string
- xầu : foam, froth
- xấu : bad, ugly, unattractive, foul, nasty, terrible, awful, poor quality
- xát âm : spirant, fricative
- xát : to rub
- xắt : to cut, slice
- xập xòe : onomatopoeia of sound of cymbals
- xập xí xập ngầu : cheat, cheating
- xấp xỉ : approximate, about
- xập xè : rustle, rusting
- xấp mặt : about-face
- xấp hồ sơ : pile of documents
- xáp : to accost, approach
- xấp : pile (of paper, documents)
- xao xuyến : to upset
- xào xạc : to rustle, flutter
- xáo trộn : to confuse, mix up, mess up, turn upside down, upset; confusion, mix up, disorder
- xảo thủ : skilled worker, skillful craftsman
- xảo quyệt : craft, cunning; cunning, artful
- xảo ngôn : brag, boast, bragging, boasting
- xào nấu : cook (food)
- xao lãng : to neglect
- xào lăn : stir-fry with little or no water
- xảo kế : malice, maliciousness, malicious act, piece of spite
- xảo hoạt : false, untrue, cheating, deceitful, two-faced, misleading
- xao động : agitate
- xạo : unreliable
- xào : to (stir) fry
- xảo : artful; skill
- xanh xao : very pale
- xanh xanh : bluish, greenish
- xanh xám : pale, ash-grey
- xành xạch : onomatopoeia of dry sound